I found myself envying other families. They have some place they could call home, some
place they could return to when things went awful *sighs*. I dunno why and who I am blaming of
having a broken home.Is it..??…ooohhh….or perchance , the marriage should have never taken
place in the beginning.*sighs again* It jist sucks when me and my sisters end up with the
humongous chunk of holy mess!!! I jist can’t visualized we deserved these!! I’ve become so
mixed up that I think I’m losing my own individuality. I oftentimes feel detached to my peers
and all the things that I once adored and grooved on is no longer matters to me and I positively
adrift a heretofore primrose path. I’m reluctant I might bring about noxiousness to others
‘coz of not knowing how to manipulate these feelings….I even started engaging in more
antisocial behavior…I’m regretful I might drastically lash out at those around me.OH my!!!
I guess I can no longer attend to these depression, apprehensiveness and angst brought about
by having a broken home.The hurt and pain also hit even those who are not supposed to be
involved. I think I’ve become a parasite in a healthy society.oh my!oh my!!!*slaps face*.
Various aspects of my life has changed. The ramification is too much that they should be
subjected to counseling I guess….*scratches head*.But what can I expect..since “broken”
is a negative thing itself it will certainly have a balky effect on me and my sistahzz..
hmmmp??!!…….But nevertheless……I dun wan ‘em to earn less and run in lower levels of
educational achievement. I wan ‘em to be more civil than those people who grew up with
there parents.I dun wan ‘em to keep in mind the grief of that predicament and will carry it
over into their relationship that they will have throughout their lives…….*smirks*I wish
we will be able to get done with these….Oh how I wish!!!!*sighs*…….