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Is he a quiet revolution?
Tuesday, February 17, 200912:29 AM

I came across an article in the newspaper that really gets on my nerves. And to my surprise, the author is a Filipino. This is actually a wonder to me. Why do this man have these people’s vote…that even Filipinos became a huge fan of him? Do they really know who this man is? Or they’re just overwhelmed because they think he’s an inspirational speaker who’s got a public speaking talent without even digging who the real person he is. I bet some of these people depend only on what the media tries to lay on them. Though I would agree on the idea that he is certainly one of the most fascinating and interesting speakers of our time. But I would absolutely argue on the verifiable truth that millions of his fans.. Assumed… he is a great man though he has’nt proven anything yet. What I’m really thinkin’ is.. There’s a certain “rock star” aspect about him that made him very inspiring.

For that reason, I did a little research on his whereabouts. And I guess…I’ve read everything I could get my hand on about this man. Indeed..he does have an unusual and interesting background. But what really amazed me is that most people who love him got one thing in common…they all hate America. And for the record…bunch of them are hard-core communist. There were hints that he was not really what he claimed he is and that American press has been keeping a little dirty secrets about him.

Born on August 4,1961,Barack Hussein Obama suspiciously enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is a conservative form of Islam that is practiced in Saudi Arabia. This is actually a teaching followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. The fact is…Osama Bin Laden and his followers indeed practiced the same teaching. This is the reason why a broadcasting network dispatched a correspondent to Jakarta to investigate. But no further evidence supports the claim that he was a “radical Muslim”. On the contrary, he never stated that he was once a Muslim…but he admitted that he attended both Muslim and Catholic school …was routed in the Christian tradition… studied Catechism but was never raised a Muslim .I agree that religion is an expression of human culture..it does’nt matter what religion he is into but the thing is..the Muslim terrorist once said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out. Here’s another thing…just a while ago, I’ve read that he has a tie in with the Islam Nation. This statement made me thinks that what if these things happened for a reason .Yup! He is the man who promised change and he’s speeches are very hynotic..but dun you think people here are being manipulated? YEAH..he’s definitely got a wholesome personality… but as far as I could remember.. That most of the mesmerizing leaders I’ve known have also been some of the most atrocious.( Adolf Hitler= for example)

This concern, then reminded me about the apprehensions and roots of the world’s sufferings. What if these man is one of their own? This man lived without leaving any lag behind, no documentation, no paper trail, he does’nt have any close friends…no best friends…all he have is his family..the courage to become the father he always wanted to be and the people around who continuously supports him in spite of his detractors allegations.


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Time to go ..Madame President
12:28 AM

What you’re doing is an obvious abuse of your office .You are an example of a corrupt beast reigning endlessly which leads to the prolong suffering of the masses. It’s now time for you to go. You are an indisputable proof of failure governance. And your immediate eradication from the office is the primary answer to our country’s financial catastrophe.


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Half-baked suicide
12:28 AM

He’s actually afar far perfect..but you know..It’s not my thing to take note of standards. It’s just that he got me completely worked up. Inasmuch as he’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with …. he’s my first in every sense. During our early weeks he’s so preoccupied. He visits me frequently and we never run out of words every time we talk. All is very handy and everything is so beyond compare. His gestures of attachment are very impressive and I’m admittedly amazed at how everything else went so peaceful between us. But all was not well beneath the surface. Somebody is workin’ behind the scene. Which created eventually a contradictory spin on us. His lies, his alibis, his treachery, the rumors, his family, the back-fence talk of a friend, is really getting on me. At times I feel like I have to hang it up and move on. BUt even with his roughness, I struggled to keep the relationship with no ifs and buts. I was never turned-off. In fact, I became able to love his weaknesses. I tried to be extensible in many measures. I managed to live with it and forged on. I felt like I always had to be perfect for him to stay with me. In effect, I almost ignored my own life. But when reality intrudes on the affair of the heart for no apparent reason, momentarily you’ll not gonna notice, you’ll eventually head for the exit and everything will turn out to be a mess. I then bought the idea… I am loosing my edge. Yes… I do believed in sacrifices. But somehow I thought.. why the hell would I hold up? Why would I endure for someone who’s not worth every ounce of my sweat? It’s like loving a gadget to death by over using it. I really dun know how everything else went off the path. The only thing I comprehend is, I’ve given too much but all is taken for granted. WEll… probably this is’nt real at all. Because if it hurts, you loses it and all is torn up..they say it is’nt love. It looked like I was about to swallow my own words. I often say I will never give up on him…even how fatal the wounds are , I’m ready to endure for anything. But as I went through the process, I became aware that I must fight the urge of giving too much. It just does’nt seem to do any better. It’s the most damaging relationship error one can ever make. It was even scarier than I thought. Loving a good-for-nothing person is like adding insult to injury. That’s why I decided to cut it off. I took steps to get over everything and ended up all the heavy-hearted thoughts. I stopped moping around and started to get involved in new things. Well…the best lesson there is that love has brought me is…..a worthless sacrifice is not the basis for a good relationship. It’s a half-baked suicide. You should set something aside for yourself if you dun want to end up fixing your own mistake. It’s kinda complicated but bear in mind…you can always simplify anything.


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