There are a lot of ways to enjoy wind chimes and aside from the fact that it’s soothing to listen to and beautiful to look at , they also contain healing effects. Wind chimes does not only enhances my family’s life…but it has been also of great help to us.
My family’s been through an experienced of robbery for a couple of times. But this time it’s a lot different. We are almost encountering an armed stealing and definitely sounds a bit scary and dangerous. And we’re so very lucky that they were’nt able to break-in which eventually made us much more cautious to potential dangers around us. However, we still remain alert to whatever might happen after that incident. That experienced help us discover constructive ways to deal with the crime. So what we did was…we tried to hang a wind chime at the backdoor just in case the robbers come back again. And this time we can be able to hear at least something that will wake us up to avoid such horrible crime.